Route – migo goes naher Osten

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5 Antworten zu “Route – migo goes naher Osten”

  1. highly recommend you to add Anatolian tour to your trip as this will be the most interesting and unforgattable part you can ride and live..better visit our club when you are in istanbul for welcome drinks,adventure talkings and maps..
    wish you all the best…
    mehmet zeki
    istanbul bikers club

  2. ahh, spent one week in Istanbul and didnt know about you guys. missed the chance. left Istanbul only today. now roughly heading heading through central turkey and then north east agin. if you any particular recommendations, let me know.

  3. […] I am a potential candidate, maybe running slightly behind. Lets stay in touch. You can always see where I am (with some delay) here: […]

  4. Hallo Gordon,verfolge durch Papas Hinweis Deine Tour.Natürlich empfinde ich nach fast 10 Jahren Nahost Deine Berichte sehr hautnah.
    Wünsche Dir weiterhin viele schoene Erlebnisse und Erkenntnisse.Mabruk .Glueckliche Weiterreise.Viele Gruesse .Guenter

  5. Ah Guenter,

    Schön dass du mitliest. Freut mich, dass es anderen offenbar gefällt hier reinzuschauen.
    Warst du im Iran?

    Liebe Grüße aus Yazd.


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